Title: Golden Reach
Photographer: Jerry LoFaro
Location: Woodstock, New Hampshire
Caption: It's really hard to beat fall in New Hampshire, and the Woodstock area up north is quite beautiful. I was actually searching for abandoned vehicles around Elbow Pond, but failing that, I found plenty else to photograph like this golden rod against a reflection of red leaves in Jackman Brook. This photograph was designed to balance "Dancing With Myself" in an arrangement with centerpiece "The River Rocks"
Print Sizes: Sizing Guide Page
SMALL: 9” X 12” (+0.2” border)
Edition of 100 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
MEDIUM: 18” X 24” (+0.3 border) *Best Value Size to Price Ratio
Edition of 100 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
LARGE: 30” x 40” (+0.5” border)
Edition of 25 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
EXTRA LARGE: 36” x 48” (no border)
Edition of 15 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
printed on Canson Baryta Gloss