Title: Smokey Sunset
Photographer: Jerry LoFaro
Location: Bow, New Hampshire
Caption: Bittersweet, but amazing. The drifting smoke from the western fires made their way across the country and permeated New Hampshire for a number of days in July of 2021. We were enveloped in an eerie atmosphere, and could even smell the smoke. When I saw the sun setting on that day as I was driving home, I realized I wouldn't make it in time to an open and scenic location, so I pulled over when I hit this straight line in the road. The end result was a beautiful, compelling and apocalyptic view worthy of a scene out of "The Walking Dead", and nearly 7,000 reactions on social media!
Print Sizes: Sizing Guide Page
SMALL: 9” X 12” (+0.2” border)
Edition of 100 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
MEDIUM: 18” X 24” (+0.3 border) *Best Value Size to Price Ratio
Edition of 100 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
LARGE: 30” x 40” (+0.5” border)
Edition of 25 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
EXTRA LARGE: 36” x 48” (no border)
Edition of 15 includes: a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
printed on Canson Baryta Gloss